Cuelinks Review

Cluelinks Review India 2021

To start affiliate marketing, you must have a blog/website. It is not a difficult process to create a website. However, it takes time to create quality content.

You must join a affiliate marketplace once you have a blog. So many are available. Cuelinks is one such affiliate marketplace we will be discussing today.

Are you an Indian blogger who gets a lot of traffic from India? Do you want to earn money from your blog in addition to AdSense?

If you've been blogging for a while, you're probably aware that, in some cases, affiliate marketing pays more than AdSense.

Cuelinks is the solution I'm talking about, and it integrates seamlessly with AdSense. Cuelinks can be used without removing AdSense ads.

What is Cuelinks?

Cuelinks is not only a marketplace for an affiliate. This is a tool for content monetization, which can link keywords to affiliates incredibly automatically.

So you will start earning commissions when your visitors make any purchase via the affiliate links.

Mehul Jobanputra and Jimish Jobanputra started Cuelinks, and the investor was Mark Friedgan. The founders are Indian publishers already.

So, you know that Indian affiliate marketers face technical issues. They are therefore trying to offer these solutions.

How to Register with Cuelinks?

Registratio process of Cuelinks is very simple and easy. It will take not more than 5 minutes to complete the process.

Visit Cuelinks.

Sign up Process at Cuelinks

Fill your Email ID, Password  (I suggest never give your Gmail Password, give another one) and your Mobile number and Click Next.

Provide Company name (Website/Channel)

Next page ask you to fill details about your Website/websites, and click Sign up. 

Wait for Approval of Application

The team of Cuelinks will soon send you an email, whether or not you have been approved as a publisher. You can log in to the Cuelinks dashboard once your application is approved.

Cuelinks Login

Your Cuelinks Dashboard will appear like this.

Cuelinks dashboard

What Are the Features of Cuelinks?

Aggregate Reporting

Cuelinks has a lovely dashboard which contains all details from all the merchants, such as clicks, EPC, commission rates, etc.

You therefore don't have to keep Excel sheets (probably, the old affiliate marketers know the importance of preserving Excel sheets)

Quick Installation

With just a few clicks, you can connect your website to Cuelinks. You can either install the WordPress plugin Cuelinks or manually insert their code into the header of your website. Rest, Cuelinks will take care of it.

No need to Join Many Affiliate Programs

Cuelinks has already linked thousands of affiliate programmes to more active and valid affiliate programmes. They are still connected.

You probably would have known the difficulty of managing it if you signed up for each Affiliate programme individually.

You sign-up with Cuelinks and work with thousands of affiliate programmes under your Cuelinks dashboard. All these programmes are managed.

How to Find the Less Competition and High paying Affiliates?

As we have already stated, Cuelinks includes thousands of affiliate programmes. Any store you want can start promoting.

However, we recommend that you participate in the less competitive programmes. We've already done all the hard work and curated a list to reduce your workload on finding high-paying affiliate programmes.

Just download them from here is all you have to do. This list includes 25 promotional campaigns. Select the one to fit your niche and begin to promote it on your website.


Campaign Name

Commission Per Sale





Medical Departures

₹ 2500.82



₹ 247.5


Firangi Bake

₹ 135





Cipla Immuno Boosters

₹ 168.75



₹ 600






₹ 157.5


Samsung eStore







₹ 675



₹ 600






₹ 783.75


VIP Bags

₹ 783.75

















Forest Essentials

₹ 337.5


Qatar Airways



Vishal Megamart

₹ 150




Lifetime Link Management

In the middle of a campaign, some affiliate programmes stop or pause it. Manually changing these links will be a time-consuming task.

Cuelinks has come up with a way to manage links for the rest of your life. The page will be redirected to a relevant link once a campaign is halted or suspended.

Single Point Payout

Cuelinks pays out at a NET60 ratio. As a result, you may expect to receive approval for all pending commissions within 60 days of the transaction date.

You will attain the compensation (minimum payout is ₹ 500) quicker because all affiliate programme revenues are combined under Cuelinks.

You'll be paid on the next payment day after you submit an invoice. The funds will be transferred to your bank account shortly.

Cuelinks Offers

You may go to Resource Center > Deals on your Cuelinks dashboard to see all of the available merchant offers and start promoting them right now.

You can convert these offers into CSV file and add them to your website if you have a coupon and deal website. As a result, you can start earning affiliate commissions when people use these coupons/deals.

Cuelinks API

Cuelinks can be integrated with your smartphone app if you have one. You can use the Cuelinks server to redirect your website's redirection script to redirection links, and they will manage all of your monetization for you.

Cuewords - Convert text Automatically into affiliate links

When you have links to merchant sites, cuelinks are excellent, but what if you don't have a link to a specific site? Cuewords come into play at this point.

This is their newest feature, which transforms text into links automatically. This is particularly helpful for Indian bloggers who haven't included many links in previous blog posts.

Cuewords tool

Cuewords allows you to specify the number of words on a page that should be converted into affiliate links. I would suggest keeping it to 3-5 links, as too many would irritate your visitors.

Cuelinks WordPress Plugins

Go to Cuelinks > Settings in the sidebar of your WordPress dashboard after installing and activating the plugin.

Enter your Cuelinks Publisher ID here, then click Save Changes to save your changes. Your Publisher ID can be found under Account > My Profile in your Cuelinks dashboard.

If you follow these steps correctly, your Cuelinks status will update to Active.


CueWidgets is a widget that displays deals/coupons from e - commerce companies to your audience. You can easily add a widget to your website by creating one from the Cuelinks dashboard.

The widget will display coupons from online retailers such as Reebok, VIP, Paytm, and others. 

When a visitor clicks on one of these links, they will be instantly directed to the relevant company's offer page. Cuelinks will take care of including your affiliate links to these offers, so you don't have to be worried.

Adding such widgets to your sidebar would help you drive some extra conversions if your target audience is from India.

Cuewidgets: How to Make a Widget

Follow these instructions to create a widget at CueWidgets. Click the Create New button on the CueWidgets page of the Cuelinks dashboard.

You'll now see the form for creating a new widget.

You'll need to fill out the following information in the form that displays.

  • Widget Name: Give your widget a name. This name is solely for your own use.
  • Widget Types: You must decide what kind of offers you will display on your website. You can choose to show offers or coupons.
  • Categories: CueWigets has the ability to pull offers from certain categories. Select the Books option if you want your widget to pull offers connected to books. Select all of the categories you require in this manner.
  • Product Number: You have the option of displaying 3-9 products on your widget.
  • Widget size: Select the size of your widget. There are three options available to you: 300250, 300600, and 72890.

Copy and paste the CueWidgets iFrame code to the place where you want the widget to display. The widget will display in the front after you've successfully copied and pasted the code in your website.

Referral Program at Cuelinks

So far, we've discussed about Cuelinks, an affiliate marketplace where you can make money by referring people to Cuelinks.

Aside from that, there's another way to profit at Cuelinks. The Cuelinks Referral Program is what it's called.

You can earn a 25% commission on what your referrals earn for the next three months if you refer publishers like you to Cuelinks using your unique Cuelinks Referral link.

After you've finally filled out this form, click the "Generate" button.

What is the best way to refer publishers to Cuelinks?

Cuelinks can be referred to publishers by:

  • writing a review about Cuelinks with your referral link
  • displaying Cuelinks banners in the sidebar of your website
  • sharing your referral link on social media
  • emailing your subscribers the Cuelinks referral link 

These are just a few techniques to obtain some Cuelinks referrals. If you're creative, you'll come up with new strategies to earn Cuelinks referrals.

Note: Your Cuelinks referral link should not be spammed. In affiliate marketing, this is considered a bad practise, and the most important thing to remember is that these things will not bring you any money.

Cuelinks Payment Proof

This is the most important step. Because internet scams are becoming more common day by day. Is there anyone who has succeeded at Cuelinks?

Yes, we did make a payment to Cuelinks, and the invoice can be found here.

The second payout is shown below.

Cuelinks Payment Proof1

Why should you join the Cuelinks Affiliate Program?

  • You'll find all branded Indian Merchants in one place, together with a clear commission schedule. As a result, you are not required to join Merchants' affiliate programmes.
  • The sign-up and installation processes are simple and easy.
  • The Cuelinks minimum payout is simply Rs 500. (Money can be received directly into Bank accounts).
  • You'll receive an email every day with the most recent coupons and bargains to share with your target audience.
  • Use their link tool to convert any direct product URL into an affiliate link.
  • CueWords, CueWidgets, and CueApps are all great features.

Cuelinks Alternative

There are many programs which have same mode of working  i.e works as Affiliate of Affiliates. Some of them are mentioned below :

  • Earn Karo
  • Share a Sale
  • AdmitAd
  • DGM India
  • Vigilink
  • Skimlink etc.


How do I get started with Cuelinks as an online business?

You can create an online coupons and deals site with Cuelinks. Every day, you'll receive an email with latest deals, which you can use to start your own online business.

You can start your deal site with a theme like CouponPress. Please watch the video until the end to learn how to generate money with Cuelinks without a blog.

How to Install Cuelinks JavaScript to Your Website?

Cuelinks Javascript can be installed to your website in two methods.

â–º The first method is to use JavaScript code.

The first option is to copy and paste the Cuelinks JavaScript code from this page directly in your website.

Use the Check JavaScript Installation option on the same page to see if you've installed the JavaScript code successfully.

After that, click the Check Installation option and enter your website's URL. A success page will appear if the code was correctly installed. Otherwise, you'll need to double-check the installation.

â–º Second method: Using Cuelinks WordPress Plugin

This strategy is only applicable to WordPress users. The Cuelinks Affiliate Marketing Tool WordPress plugin is easy to install.

This method is mainly useful for WordPress users. It's easy to set up the Cuelinks Affiliate Marketing Tool WordPress plugin.

The Final Word

All of this was covered in the Cuelinks reviews. Cuelinks has been around for a long time and is a reliable program.

It's a superb monetization tool if you want to grow your online business and make money. This network is worth trying if you have a lot of Indian traffic.

It will support you in earning a decent amount of money. Within one or two days of receiving a request, publishers are approved.

Another advantage is that installation is simple, and we offer two unique features: CueWidgets and CueWords.

This affiliate network is also fully compatible AdSense (even I am using both on my blog). I would strongly recommend to try Cuelinks,.

It will be source of your passive income, which increase in slow but earn good income.

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